The liver is the largest organ of the body. It is responsible for breaking down carbohydrates, filter toxins, and make glucose. Other than that it excretes bile that is necessary to digest food and absorb the nutrients present in it.
Unhealthy liver can lead to diseases, metabolic disorder and diabetes.
Hence, it is absolutely important to take care of our liver and keep it at its best. And consuming certain foods will help you take care of your hard-working organ improve your liver health.

Garlic helps the liver to flush toxins and keep it clean and safe from bad bacteria.
It has selenium which increases the antioxidant’s action and has antibiotic, antifungal properties which help in cleansing the liver.

Beetroot is a good source of vitamin C just like citrus fruits. This helps in stimulating bile.
Beetroot juices help prevent and reduce oxidative stress to the liver, and it also helps in reducing inflammation. Boiled or raw pieces of beetroot are also a way to consume the benefits.

Coffee too reduces inflammation in the body. Along with that, it protects the liver from fatty liver diseases.
Cirrhosis is a condition called that scars the liver, coffee helps prevent that and protects from liver cancer too. If had in moderate levels, coffee can be of amusing usefulness to keep our liver healthy and protected.

Turmeric makes an excellent spice that safeguards the liver from radical damage. It helps in breaking fats, boosts metabolism, and produce bile; bile is the natural detoxifier of the body
Green leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables have good amounts of chlorophyll which aids in flushing out toxins from your body.
The liver needs protection from heavy metals and green leafy vegetables become the savior here!
Plant based foods
Plant-based foods are the best friends of the liver; studies have shown that they majorly protect the liver from toxins and help keep it clean.
Avocados, bananas, carrots, figs, lemon, watermelon, and the likes; plant-based foods have one or more such nutrients that help the liver either clean it, detox it or produce bile for better digestion.
Food that damage your liver
Certain food may harm your liver and it might lead to serious liver conditions.
- Fats included in processed or fried food and packed snacks make it difficult for the liver to break down food.
- Excess amounts of sugar consumed through any kind like drinks or baked food or sweets should be avoided.
- Salt should be limited to minimal levels in food.
- Alcohol is the biggest counter of your liver; it can cause serious or irreparable damage to the liver. Excessive drinking results in inflamed and swollen liver or can also cause cirrhosis.
The intake of these foods should be limited to the daily requirements of them. Excess of anything can damage your body.
Summing it…
Liver health is of utmost importance for your body to stay running and healthy. Making sure that the food you eat doesn’t harm your liver will be of great help and relief to you.
Choose food that keeps your liver healthy, functioning and safe.