Food To Carry With You While Traveling


We all have friends and family who are like this, and if you are of Indian descent, you must be particularly aware of it.

While lugging that much food with us while trekking through the Parisian streets where every corner sells the best cake can be irritating at times, I can attest to the numerous times I have thanked my mother and grandmother for packing food for me despite my refusal.

Students studying abroad or away from home, in addition to holiday and adventure travelers, bring a lot of home food with them.

Here is a list of food to carry while traveling abroad and maybe you could too!

Theplas and Khakra

When it comes to packing for any kind of ride, Indians prefer these classic Gujarati snacks. To put it plainly (my Gujarati friends would kill me for this), Khakras (cracker-like consistency) and Theplas (spiced discs made of flour and oil) are spiced discs. They are both dry and thus do not hurt luggage (if properly prepared) or take up a lot of room! More importantly, they keep for a long time (almost a year) and are an excellent dorm snack!


Mathri is one of the food to carry while traveling and being away from home because it is still dry and ready to eat. If well cooked, it lasts a long time and does not spoil. Combine it with pickles and you’re ready to go. For those unfamiliar with Mathri, it is a flaky biscuit made primarily of flour, oil, and cumin.

Pickles, also known as aachar, are a form of condiment.

Pickles in airtight jars are a must-have for any Indian traveler. They’re risky because Indian aachar is extremely sticky, which is how it’s held. But once you find out how to store it, you’ve got spice for the rest of your life. It will brighten up your meal with everything from Mathri to Khakra, chapati to even bread!


Namkeen is an Indian savory trail mix, in my opinion. It’s a mixture of spicy, fried, and even roasted nuts and chips that taste incredible. Not to mention, it’s ideal for snacking on on the go.

Dry Sweets

No meal, in my opinion, is full without anything sweet at the end. Many Indian sweets, such as Ladoos, Barfi, and Katli, are ideal for travel because they are dry and flavorful. Many of my hostel friends bring their favorite treats from home to enjoy each night after dinner.

Digestive enzymes

Hajmola is primarily an Indian custom. Not only was the digestives brand (sweet, spicy, and sour) born in India, but it has recently been associated with the country of origin thanks to videos like Buzzfeed.
Since Hajmola is good for digestion, many Indians keep it in their medicine cabinet (laxative effect). Because of its peculiar flavor, many people eat it as a post-meal snack.


I know Nestle is a global brand, but I swear on my favorite pasta (Spinach Raviolis-Hi!) that a lot of my seniors who are going to study abroad consider Maggi to be a necessity.
We all know why we love Maggi and it is one of the food to carry; it can be anything you want, whenever you want, and all you need is a little hot water. Indians have a fetish for the Maggi sold at their local supermarket. I’m sure I do.
Indian cuisine has a wide variety of foods to choose from. If you’re already packed for your term or holiday, that’s fantastic; if the article inspired you to prep for your next journey, that’s even better. Good luck on your journey! (and eating).

About the author

Dolly Arora

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