hair fall! treatment, causes, symptoms, remedies

Hair Fall! Causes, Symptoms, treatment

Hair fall has been a serious problem for many. Those beautiful locks are declining in numbers every single day.

You see on the desk there is hair, look at your chair there is hair, your car seat has hair, your pillow in the morning when you see is decorated with hair strands, you look left-hair you look right – hair, up- hair, behind-hair, let’s not even start about the bathroom floor after a shower. Hair hair hair!! Urgh!

Let us look at the causes, symptoms and remedies of hair fall.



Aging is the most common cause of hair fall. It comes naturally to everyone with age. The hair follicles with age stop growing hair and hence, hair thinning.


Another common reason for hair fall is genes. Some having hair fall problems in your family who have chronic hair loss chance are that your hair fall problem is hereditary.


A hormonal disbalance could be one of the causes. Or switching to or getting off of birth control pills can change your natural hormonal balance. During or post-pregnancy changes hormones and hair loss too. Menopause can have a similar effect on hormones causing hair fall.        

Hair care/ styling

hair care
Hair care

Using wrong products for hair care or coloring, hair styling, heat styling damages hair.

Using too many products on dry hair dries hair even further and the chemicals tend to affect the natural nutrients on the scalp and hair.

Vitamin Deficiency

Lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body weakens the hair follicles and causes hair loss. Vitamin B deficiency is the major reason for it. A diet must contain nutrients not only for your body but for good hair health too.

Lack of Protein

The lack of protein in the body causes your body to stop the inflow of keratin for your hair. Keratin is essential for hair growth.

More protein results in good keratin inflow for hair. Having a protein poor diet is problematic.

Emotional Stress

Emotional Stress
Emotional Stress

Some events happening with or around you can cause emotional stress or trauma leading to hair fall. The mind and body tend to be unhealthy at such times resulting in lack of sleep or poor eating habits and anxiety problems. It affects your hair too.

Symptoms of hair fall

hair thinning
hair thinning

Hair thinning

For women, balding on the top of the hair while for men hair thinning resembles letter M on receding hairline. The scalp is easily visible between the hair on the head.

Patches of Scaling

Scalp infection sometimes leads to scaly or inflamed patches on the scalp. It looks like small black dots on the scalp which are called hair stubs.

Bald spots

One can see small bald patches or one big patch on the scalp with less or no hair.

Thin hair all over your scalp is an obvious symptom of hair loss.

What can you do to fix it?

If you are wondering how to fix it then there are a number of options to cure it depending upon the cause of your hair loss


Diet Maintaining
Diet Maintaining

You can have a change in your meals for natural or hereditary or stress-caused hair loss. A protein and vitamins rich diet help always.

Adding carrots which is a rich source of vitamin A is proved to be resulting in hair loss.

Eggs are a great source of protein which eventually will provide enough keratin for hair.

Other than add amla, coconut, moong beans, fatty fishes, avocados are foods that help hair growth.



Consult a doctor for your hair health. The doctor can surely tell you the causes, treatments, and remedies and provide you with the apt medicines for your body and hair type.

Laser Therapy

The ones having hereditary hair loss or chemotherapy opt for laser therapy. The red light therapy works on the epidermal stem cells and stimulates promoting hair growth.

Hair Transplant

The treatment involves moving hair from a bald area of the head. The surgeon moves hair from the backside of the hair to the front or other sources.

Scalp reduction

This procedure involves surgical removal of parts of scalp that are affected by baldness. It can reduce the scalp area in which hair transplantation is needed or completely eliminate the need for hair transplantation.

Prevent hair fall

hair fall
Hair Fall
  • Some simple yet effective changes in your daily life can make huge differences in your hair health.
  • Switching to a balanced diet that is rich and protein and vitamins has been the best preventive way of hair loss.
  • Adequate amount of sleep, sleeping sound and enough always helps your body to relax, repair, and energize, the same is with hair health. Get your beauty sleep every day!
Hair Oil
Hair Oil
  • Oil your hair. Regular hair massages are old school but they are of utmost importance. Oiling your hair gives it the required nutrients and minerals which can not be found in the diet.
  • Amla oil, coconut oil, Caster oil are the needs of your hair and you must fulfill these needs for your locks.
  • Using the right products. Know your hair and texture, consult a doctor whenever needed for a little help to identify your hair type and requirements, follow their recommendations for the products to use.
  • Alcohol and sulfate-free shampoos are the best for your hair, organic ones work too.
  • Make a choice of your conditioner, some leave-in conditioners are great for de-tangling but leave heavy amounts of products on the scalp and clogs the pores.
  • Hair masks, homemade or otherwise gives your hair that extra care and nourishment for strong roots and stronger tips.
  • Taking care while styling your hair makes a huge difference. Using less heat and heat protectants before styling is essential.


To keep your hair healthy and beautiful the first need is to prevent hair fall. If you face hair loss problems, try making different changes in your daily life and consult a doctor who can help you with your problem and follow all the steps recommended.


About the author

Anjali Patel

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