weight loss
weight loss

What to eat in dinner for weight loss?

Maintaining weight is a tough task to do, so is gaining weight, and the toughest – weight loss! As easy it is to gain those extra kilos, as tougher, it gets to shed those off your body.

And those ‘fad’ diets available in numbers are sometimes are confusing to follow. Dinner meals become even more confusing as we cannot decide whether to eat light and more or less with more nutrients because that could affect our over-night body functions.

Read on to find out what to eat in dinner for weight loss.

Understanding weight loss.

weight loss
weight Loss

Calories! Calories matter a lot for controlling or maintaining weight. By consuming fewer calories you will gain fewer fats and lose weight accordingly and vice versa.

On average, a person needs around 1500 to 2000 calories daily. It is up to the individual now through how and what food a person intakes these required calories. High-calorie sugary food containing 500 calories a serving will obviously increase the fat in your body along with the calories. Hence, it is important to mindfully pick your meal to lose weight.

Lean protein

What to eat in dinner for weight loss?

Protein will keep you full for a longer time and you will eventually not feel hungry for quite a time to eat again after dinner.

Chicken, chicken breasts, fish, cottage cheese are a good source of protein and will satisfy your daily requirement of protein too to keep your muscles strong.

A three-ounce salmon serving will give you 150 calories and high amounts of protein and vitamin D and B12. Add some boiled vegetables with chicken breast to make a better dinner meal.

Green Salads

 weight loss
green salad

A super salad low in calories is a great start for your dinner. Research has resulted that eating a first-course salad can cut the overall intake of calories.

A mixed vegetable salad helps much better than preparing different dishes.

Spinach, broccoli, bottle gourd, Asparagus, bell peppers, green grams are good options to make salads or other meals for your perfect weight loss dinner meal. Add on some nuts for crunch if you want.

Boiled Potatoes

Potatoes can be added to your weight loss diet as it has a range of nutrients like high potassium, fiber which make the perfect food for weight loss.

Boiled potatoes after cooling and consumed have resistant starch which is a fiber-like substance that has been effective for weight loss.

Sweet potatoes, turnips and root vegetables are useful too.


What to eat in dinner for weight loss?
Healthy Soup

Soups make a good and apt meal of low calories with less energy density.

Studies show that solid meals when turned into soups can satiate your hunger for more time and you also consume fewer calories that way.

Bottle gourd soup, carrot soup, pumpkin soup are good for weight control.

Beans and legumes

Beans and legumes
Beans and legumes

Lentils, black beans, kidney beans are great food that is high in protein and fiber and good resistant starch which helps lose fats.

Whole grains


Whole grains have fiber in them which has the most credit for losing weight. While it also has magnesium which helps to regulate fat metabolism by burning excess fat in the body.

Brown rice, whole wheat, barley, corn, couscous, raw grain sprouts are some of the best whole grains to add to your dinner meals to help lose weight.


One single ingredient or food item cannot aid weight loss, it requires various food items rich in a number of nutrients and properties to control calorie count. Some simple yet effective changes to your dinner plans can add that remark in your diet plan to control or lose those extra kilos.


About the author

Anjali Patel

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