How many steps to walk daily? 10,000? 7,500? Is it too much? Or should you set a lower goal? Well, all these questions can be answered considering other things as well, like your body mass index- height, weight, sex; your diet matters a lot too.
Various studies have found that walk is an exercise that is beneficial in a number of ways, reduces cardiovascular problems, regulates blood sugar, boosts energy and immunity, lights mood, gets your creative juices flow, etc. they are so many.
How many steps are needed?

If you’re a beginner or you are resuming after a long break, start gradually. Keep a track of how many steps you walk on average and a few more to that.
Keep a tracker, a fitness band or your smartphone can do that for you too, it just needs to work. For instance, you are walking 3000 steps daily on average try to push yourself, add more steps to it. Take that extra task and reach your goal.
Adding 1000 daily steps each week is a great trick to increase your daily goal.
Maintaining your goal

Once you have reached your desired goal for walking, maintain it at that level. 10,000 steps are apt, these many steps walked daily are beneficial for an average individual.
Divide your walks into parts, 10 mins walk three times a day can help too. Or simply go for a 30 mins walk. Start from a slow pace to gradually move towards brisk walking and end it there.
The result of studies by the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that on average, adults take 5000 to 5200 steps per day.
An article of 2011 in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and physical activity showed that adults can take 10000-16000 steps daily.
It may vary from your health, diet, daily activities, the work you do, sex, and other factors.
Motivate yourself to reach your daily goal
Something as simple as a phone call can get you closer to your desired goal.
Take your dog on a walk and it will help you walk for a long while. Go to a park with your pet.
Park far away in large parking lots and you will have to walk more while entering the area and while coming back to your car.
Walk while talking on the phone, studies have shown it is necessary to walk while talking on phones than sitting or lying down.
Always choose the stair; whenever there is an option between an elevator, escalator, or stairs, you know what to choose.
Taking a stroll near a beach, nothing can beat the benefits of walking by the shore. Your mind will regulate your thoughts, the breeze, the ocean will soothe you and you have the benefits of walking too!
Go for groceries or essentials without taking your vehicle. A simple 5 mins walk to a nearby store adds a lot to your fitness.
Bottom line
Walking is the easiest and free exercise many of us can do on daily basis. You know the benefits too. Set a tracker, keep a record of your progress, and beat your walking goal daily. Have a happy walk!