Mid day meal, a meal you take after half a day is passed i.e. lunch, vital meal of the day.
Mid time of the day is the among the times when our digestive system is at it’s best.
Look every meal of a day is important ,
Whether it is breakfast, lunch , dinner every one has their own part to play.
There are many medical proves which support the fact that it is not wise to skip the lunch.
Now a days many people in rush to their works skips lunch, students who in order to reach their college on time , people who are looking for early weight loss have a tendency to skip the lunch.
But lunch plays as a role of vital meal of the day.
- It provide you with energy you need for the rest of your day
- Improves and keep check on your blood sugar level that is why patient with diabetic issue are advised to not skip their particular meal.
- Even by skipping your lunch you may gain weight, because one major reason could be , as your body will need food and in order to compensate the gap you created by skipping the lunch time , you will overeat in evening .Also when you create the gap by skipping the meals your body will start accommodating the fat for itself , which ultimately cause you trouble further.
- Lunch is very important for growing kids as they need to get their essential vitamins and minerals on time.
- Brain’s major tonic is glucose , which is derived by the food you eat, even the stored glucose in liver i.e. glycogen get exhausted if you have not eaten for so long.
- Taking lunch is not the waste of time infact it is the investment you are making on your own body and to it’s productivity.
The aforesaid are the problems which you may face by skipping your lunch and these are not just this much ,there may be major numerous issues arises if you make not eating lunch your daily ritual.
Now I would be sharing some quick and healthy recipes which will combat your hustle between making lunch and reaching to work on time.
Following are some quick and healthy recipes for you which require least time for cooking , serve you with variety of tastes and important nutrients you require in a day.
Masala Khichdi

If you are searching for the light lunch options and healthy at the same time then khichdi will suits you the best.
It is simple and healthy ,
- Put pan on flame, add 1tsp ghee/oil
- Add cumin seeds , let it splutter
- Add chopped onion to it, cook it till they attain slightly brown colour
- Then add tomatoes or you can customize your vegetables here
- Add rock salt, turmeric , black pepper , pinch of hing
- Add soak semi brown rice and pulse of your choice.
- Add water required to cook rice and
- Have it with curd or masala chach.
It offers you A complete protein intake , vitamins , complex carbohydrate , healthy fats etc.
Millet soya biryani

It is enrich in protein , well balanced in complex carbohydrate and healthy fats and tasty at the same time.
How to make it-
- Soak around 50gm of soya(put some salt in it) chunks and millets near ½ cup.
- Heat a pan , put oil
- Add cumin seeds, wait it they splutter
- Add garam masala
- Add rock salt, chopped onions and chilli.
- Add chopped tomatoes
- Add little curd to it
- Add soaked soya chunks, mix them properly so that they absorb the essence of other elements
- Put 2glass of water, wait till it boils
- Add soaked millets, let it cook
- Have it with raita.
Beans pulao

Beans pulao is well balanced diet which offers you ample protein, complex carbs and serve you with healthy fats .
It’s cooking style is very much similar to above dishes, and for further clarification do browse it’s recipe on your browser .
Vegetable role

Make chapati and cook vegetables of your choice , put it on chapati(roti) and make a role.
Carry it anywhere , at your work place , school , colleges etc.
Super nutritious and filling lunch option.
Cabbage sandwich

Making process of cabbage sandwich is extremely simple and easy.
- Take chopped cabbage
- Add little malai or curd
- Sprinkle some salt and black pepper on it
- Take whole wheat bread slices
- Put prepared mixture of cabbage on eat and you are all set to go.
You can eat some of your favorite fruits with eat in order to make it more filling and tasty.
Here are some quick and healthy recipes which I shared with you.
You can browse more of such recipes in order to get more variety.
Lunch is the very important meal of the day , and aforesaid statements are sufficient to prove the argument right.
So do take every meal of the day on time as every meal has it’s role to play.