Vitamin B3 named Niacin , is a considerably important nutrient.
As our body and every part of it needs vitamin B3 in order to perform their functions smoothly and in an orderly manner.
The role of Niacin is very significant in our body as it controls in lowering cholesterol , boots the working and functioning of the brain , arthritis and many more.
And at the same time you much also keep the check on the doses you take of vitamin B3, as it’s overdose may cause you many problems.
Vitamin B3, Niacin
There are 8 B vitamins found in our body which collectively known as complex vitamins and vitamin B3 is one of them , also known as Niacin.
Many of the vitamin differ in their solubility level and as comes to vitamin B3 , it is water soluble vitamin.
Also of vitamin B3 , there are two main chemical forms are there which in a way differently affects our body.
Both the forms can be extracted through food and vitamin supplements.
They are;
- Nicotinic acid
- Niacinamide or nicotinamide
Nicotinic acid
Is basically known and useful in reducing cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of any heart issues.
Niacinamide / nicotinamide
This form of vitamin is known to lower the risk of psoriasis and also of non-melanoma skin.
Role of Niacin (vitamin B3)
All the vitamins of belong or known of B category so including vitamin B3 , change food into energy(i.e. glucose) through aiding enzymes.
In it main two major component NAD & NADP found which are involved in cellular metabolism.
Also it has the role of Niacin to play in mending DNA , singling of cell and at the same time acts an antioxidant.
What it’s deficiency can cost you
Approximate symptoms of deficiency of niacin
- Headache
- Depression
- Skin issues
- Dizziness and fatigue
- Mental problems
Food that contain vitamin B3, Niacin
- Almond
- Sunflower seeds
- Roasted groundnuts
- Barley
- Wheat flour
- Walnut
- Whole moong dal
- Bajra
- Poha
- Dalia
- Rice
- Green moong dal..etc.

There is around 4.4-4.5gm of niacin present in every 100gm of almond.
Almonds are very helpful in;
- They serve ample amount of beneficial nutrients.
- Competent enough to lower the risk of high cholesterol
- Keep check on the blood sugar level
- Are full of antioxidants…etc.
Sunflower seeds

There are numerous benefits of sunflower seeds including niacin , every 100gm of it contain around 4.4-4.5gm niacin.
Benefits are;
- Reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
- Useful in chronic inflammation.
- Great in advancing the immunogenic response.
- Lessen the scope of any heart issues.

Every 100gm of barely contain 5.4gm of niacin.
It’s benefits
- Source of many beneficial nutrients
- Helps in good digestion
- Beta-glucans found in barely which helps in lowering the level of cholesterol
- Also reduce the risk of heart disease
- Protective against diabetes and cancer…etc.
Wheat flour

Every 100gm of wheat flour contains around 4.2-4.3 gm of niacin
It also has many more benefits which include
- Strengthening bones
- Good in diabetes
- Great for brain
- Needed for digestion and metabolism
- Rich source of folic acid
- Go for skin
- Enrich in protein and fiber and many more.

Every 100gm of jawar nearly contain 3.1 gm of niacin.
As it is among the most beneficial grains, it’s benefits are
- Good for digestion
- Healthy for healthy heart
- Also it is gluten free
- It is known as a rich source to boost immunity
- Controls the level of blood sugar
- Enrich in protein…etc.
Sesame seeds

Best source of vitaminB3,
As Every 100 gm of it contain 14.3gm if niacin.
Health benefits of it
- Rich in fiber
- Great source of much needed protein
- Lower the cholesterol as well as blood pressure levels
- Good for healthy bones
- Known to reduce inflammation
- Enrich with antioxidants
- Great for immune system ..and many more.
Note :
Vitamin B3 is very much essential In conducting smooth functioning of many body part’s functioning.
As it helps in enhancing the metabolism , help in the synthesis of energy, good for skin, known to protect nervous system , keeps check of cholesterol and blood pressure etc.
Therefore it is very important for one to take proper diet which ensure the proper intaking of Vitamin B3.