When it comes to food, sugar has a mixed history. Sugar is found in all carbohydrates-containing ingredients, such as fruits and vegetables, rice, and dairy. It’s fine to eat whole foods that contain natural sugar but not excess sugar.
Dairy foods contain protein and calcium, while plant foods contain fibre, basic minerals, and antioxidants.Since these foods are slowly digested, the sugar in them provides a constant supply of energy to your cells. A high-fiber diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, has been shown to lower the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.
Consuming Excess Sugar
However, complications can arise if you eat too much added sugar, which is sugar added to foods by producers to enhance taste or prolong shelf life.
Down Below Are Some Hazardous Effect of Eating Excess Sugar On Your Body
1. Excess Sugar causes Tooth Decay
Sugar is a food source for bacteria in the mouth. As a waste product, bacteria produce acid when they ingest sugar. This acid will eat away at tooth enamel, causing holes or cavities.
People who eat sugary foods regularly, particularly as snacks or in sweetened beverages in between meals, are more likely to experience tooth decay.
2. Increases the Risk of Hear Diseases
High-sugar diets have been linked to an elevated risk of a variety of illnesses, including heart disease, the world’s leading cause of death.
Obesity, inflammation, and elevated triglyceride, blood sugar, and blood pressure levels have also been linked to high-sugar diets, which are also risk factors for heart disease.
Furthermore, excessive sugar consumption, especially from sugar-sweetened beverages, has been linked to atherosclerosis, a disorder marked by fatty, artery-clogging deposits.
3. Has been High Risk of Acne
A high-refined-carbohydrate diet, which includes sugary snacks and beverages, has been linked to an increased risk of acne.
Processed desserts and other foods with a high glycemic index increase blood sugar more than foods with a lower glycemic index.
Sugary foods raise blood sugar and insulin levels rapidly, resulting in increased androgen release, oil absorption, and inflammation, both of which contribute to acne formation.
Low-glycemic diets have been linked to a lower risk of acne, whereas high-glycemic diets have been linked to a higher risk.
4. Excess sugar increases your Risk of Type-2 Diabetes
There is a strong connection between dietary sugar intake and the risk of diabetes, despite the fact that there are several causes for this.
Obesity, which is often exacerbated by eating too much fat, is the most significant risk factor for diabetes.
Furthermore, long-term high-sugar intake leads to insulin resistance, a hormone released by the pancreas that controls blood sugar levels.
Insulin tolerance raises blood sugar levels, putting you at a higher risk of diabetes.
5. May Increase the Risk of Cancer
Excess sugar consumption can raise your risk of contracting certain cancers.
To begin with, a diet high in sugary foods and drinks will contribute to obesity, which increases the cancer risk dramatically.
Furthermore, high-sugar diets cause inflammation in the body and can lead to insulin resistance, all of which raise the risk of cancer.
A survey of over 430,000 people showed that consuming added sugar was linked to an elevated risk of esophageal cancer, pleural cancer, and small intestine cancer.
6. Increases your Risk of Depression
A balanced diet may make you feel better, but a diet high in added sugar and refined foods may raise your risk of depression.
Consuming a lot of processed foods, particularly high-sugar foods like cakes and sugary beverages, has been linked to an increased risk of depression.
Sugar’s negative effect on mental health is thought to be caused by blood sugar swings, neurotransmitter dysregulation, and inflammation, according to researchers.
7. Drains your Energy
Foods rich in added sugar raise blood sugar and insulin levels rapidly, resulting in a surge of energy.
This increase in energy levels, though, is only temporary.
Products high in sugar but low in protein, fibre, or fat have a short burst of energy accompanied by a sudden decrease in blood sugar, a phenomenon known as a crash.
Constant blood sugar swings can cause significant energy fluctuations.