Our body needs all kinds of nutrients like minerals, proteins and vitamins. Vitamins are organic compounds that our body needs. These organic substances are present in small amounts in natural food items.Vitamin D is one such vitamin that is a fat soluble. A fat soluble vitamins are the ones which the body stores in liver that stays there for days and even months.
Role of vitamin D in our body
It is multi-beneficial for our bodies.
- It helps keep our bones healthy and strong. It regulates the calcium and phosphorus levels in our blood. It allows the intestines to absorb the calcium that the kidney has excreted.
- Some researches show that low vitamin D in our body can lead to the risk of heart failure and hence it is necessary to take supplements if not gained from diet.
- A study shows that this vitamin is connected to high blood pressure in children.it aids in preventing inflammation in children and adults that can benefit them with steroid and asthma.
- The vitamin helps pregnant woman to prevent preeclampsia, a health condition during pregnancy.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin D is 600 IU for adults of 19 years and more. The older ones who are more than 70 years need it more, 800 IU daily.
To prevent the problems caused by vitamin D deficiency, let us find out how we can increase its intake through our diets.
Sources of Vitamin D
1.Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is extracted from the liver of cod fishes. The fish is mostly found and the oil is commercially extracted from the Atlantic cod and Pacific cod.
Trout fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, its original source of it is microalgae which the fish gets from eating phytoplankton. The fish is rich in Vitamins D and A as well.

This fish (100g) has more or less 635 IU vitamin D. It will suffice you r RDA for the vitamin. It is commonly assumed to be found in its liver according to a study of origin and metabolism of vitamin D in rainbow trout.
3.White mushroom

White mushrooms have 33% of daily value vitamin D in them. This is the result of their exposure to sunlight. The white mushrooms have D2 vitamin that is beneficial for increasing blood levels in the body.
The body then turns this D2 into active D vitamin that absorbs calcium for healthy bones.
4.Fortified Milk
It is cow’s milk that has some extra amounts of minerals and vitamins usually not found normal milk. Drinking this milk for increasing your vitamins intake is as good as solid food consuming. And also good for those who opt for non-meat and fish foods for gaining the vitamin.
Milk is rich in calcium and a combination of D vitamin and calcium helps prevent or treat osteomalacia.
5.Egg yolk

Eggs are for sure number one option for its high amounts of protein. But many can have it for vitamin D as well if they do not want to consume seafood. The vitamin content in yolk depends upon the sun exposure the egg got and its content of chicken feed.
6.Fortified cereals

Those ready to eat cereals fortified, are your answer to how to increase the sun vitamin in your body. Adding any kind of milk- almond, soy or even regular milk in your fortified cereal with increase its mineral and vitamin value.
Many brands now a days provide you with various flavors of fortified cereals.
7.Fortified yogurt
Yogurt is packed with proteins and calcium, might slightly be low with vitamin D but the pair of calcium and vitamins keep the bones healthy and immune system stronger.
Yogurts are fortified with to improve the positive health outcomes. Vitamin D fortified yogurt is said to be improving glucose metabolism in adults.
8.Sun exposure
When out in sun, your body can get some of the vitamin D content. A chemical reaction occurs in human skin when a steroid called 7-dehydrocholesterol is broken down by sun’s UVB light. This forms Vitamin D3. Some experts suggest that at least 5 to 30 minutes of sun exposure particularly in the morning leads to good amount of it synthesis in our bodies.
9.Dietary supplements
The supplements provides you with D2 or D3. These are proven to be useful for curing rickets. Although, intake of supplements should always be first checked from doctors.
Vitamin D plays an important role in keeping our bones, teeth healthy and keeping our metabolism and immune system up and strong. Many daily foods provide us with the it and sun exposure and supplements are equally beneficial.
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