Having a healthy and balanced diet full of nutrients is of utmost importance otherwise, it can cause damages to your body, affect your metabolism, mental health, and many other things.
Maintaining a good diet is also important for a major organ of your body- The skin. Lack of certain nutrients essential for skin can lead to unhealthy skin, skin diseases, and itchy or dull and dry skin.
Want that healthy, naturally glowing, and the best version of your skin? Add these food items to your meals to increase the health quotient of your skin.

Bananas are nature’s organic botox. They are rich in vitamins A, B and C, and aids in moisturizing your skin naturally.
These are easily available everywhere and any time of the year. Helps solve acne troubles and the lutein present in it destroys bacteria that cause acne to grow. Add a banana smoothie to your breakfast or some pieces on your pancakes.
Papaya may be providing high amounts of heat in the body but this magic fruit shouldn’t be ignored for that reason and can be had in moderation to see the benefits.
Papaya dissolves dead skin cells, impurities, and blemishes. It makes a good antioxidant; say bye-bye to wrinkles!

Beetroot is not just good for your blood but also for healthy skin. As it purifies blood the skin gets healthy and nutrient full blood.
Beetroot is rich in Vitamin C, iron, and phosphorus to make your skin and makes your cheeks glow a natural pink.
This low-calorie vegetable is packed with Vitamin A and C that aids skin repair and stimulates collagen production. Lutein present in broccoli cures skin damage and dryness.
A compound called sulforaphane present in broccoli has proven to be a sun damage protectant.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and necessary carotenoids like lycopene.
Lycopene protects skin against UV rays and prevents sun damage. Tomatoes also help dissolve wrinkles and fine lines on your skin.
Have a glass or add raw pieces in your salad and keep your skin healthy.

Yogurts and even curd has live and friendly bacteria called probiotics which reduces inflammation the body that may cause acne on your skin.
A protein full and filling snack item like yogurt can prevent causing psoriasis, skin sagging and keeps your skin hydrated.
7.Green Tea
Green tea has compounds called catechins that improve your skin health in many ways. It protects your skin from sun damage.
Green tea hydrates your skin and rises collagen levels that improve the elasticity of your skin.
The polyphenols in green tea are great antioxidants to keep your skin healthy.
8. Nuts

Nuts are beneficial for many other body parts and organs and as much good for your skin. That is high in Vitamin E like peanuts and almonds counter skin aging.
This same vitamin is helpful for preventing collagen destruction and fights against cell damages caused by free radicals.
9.Fatty fishes
Fatty fish are good sources of omega-3 acids to keep your skin thick and supple. Salmon, sardines, Indian mackerel are good choices.
It helps reduce inflammation eventually reducing redness and rashes on your skin. Fatty fishes are also a good source of Vitamin E, making them a great antioxidant necessary for skin health.

Water is truly called an elixir. It has numerous benefits for your body including your skin.
Drinking enough amounts of water daily improve skin tone prevents aging and helps reduce acne.
Water tightens your skin and maintains the skin’s pH balance; a misbalance of skin pH can cause blemishes and itchiness.
Bottom line
Taking care of your skin is important not just for making it look glowing but keeping it healthy too. Adding a few things to your diets that are easily available at home can show great benefits.
To continue taking care of your skin is important as it is a process and cannot happen overnight.